Territory 32 is a bistro, coffee, and lounge in the heart of South Jakarta (Lb Bulus) with a lavish and distinct ambience offering variety of meals from western, europe, to local.
Kalaras Group
Kalaras Group is a F&B and lesiure company established in 2020 and has since daringly opened branches in West Java & Central Java region. Bandung (Urban Town), Cimahi (Backyard), Cikole (Checkpoint), Solo, Pangandaran. We’ve helped 90% of their branches with out marketing and branding efforts. Ranging from logo, menu, toolkit, websites, social media marketing, up to KOL management.
Sneaker Bless
Whether it’s managing unexpected expenses or indulging in planned purchases, Yup PayLater empowers users with the freedom to make choices today and pay later, redefining the landscape of personal finance in Indonesia.
PingPong Payments
PingPong Payments is a global company with 27 branches worldwide. It is a remittance company making a name in the local industrial landscape with clients from various industries from logistics, export-import, and SMB. we helped organize their events, SEO, and Tiktok marketing.